10X Your Marketing Output In Days

How to Replace your Marketing Agency with AI

Course Description

In 2024, small business owners can now easily access top marketing channels and talent, creating and measuring online strategies from home.

At glance, this looks like the fundamentals of marketing but under the hood we actually teach you how to plan and execute marketing strategies at scale with the use of AI tools.
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Learning Objectives

In this 10XME course, we will show you how to replace your entire marketing agency by using AI tools and other digital products readily available to you.

Learn about the possibilities of AI and how you can cut costs and save time.
Create and execute a content strategy at a massive 10X scale.
Craft an effective marketing strategy in minutes.
Learn how to utilize existing tools to distribute content effectively.
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Tools we use

There are hundreds of tools already available for you. We'll show you how to leverage the top 1% of all these tools to 10X any outcome you want.

Course Details

All it takes is just four hours over 4 days with us.

DAY 1 | Strategy & Research

AI’s Role In Your Business

Intro to Prompt Engineering

Business Idea Generation

Group Pitching and Feedback

Fundamentals of a Marketing Plan

DAY 2 | Creatives At Scale

How To Create Amazing Content: Anatomy of Winning Creatives

Content Plan + Content Writing

The Magic of Canva

How To Create 30 Short Form Videos In One Day

Day 3 | Distribution

How To Create A Winning Media Plan

Social Media Management & Digital In the PH

Meta Ads 101

Building Your Presence on LinkedIn

DAY 4 | Advanced Tools & Course Synthesis

Course Synthesis

Guest Lecture: The Future of Ecommerce

Advanced AI Tools & Looking Ahead

Guest Lecturer: Case Study –Local Tech Startup



Attend a live, hands-on class with a trained lecturer and class full of other marketing leaders and entrepreneurs.


Participate in practical exercises and go through all the AI tools with the lecturer.


Expect to learn all the essentials things you need to get the outcome promised by the class.


✓ Heavy snacks and refreshments on all days

✓ Digital certification badge upon program completion

✓ Exclusive invites to new 10XME program pilot classes

✓ Lifetime access to prompt guides and program handouts

✓ Access to AI tools and productivity apps, valued over ₱200k

How to Replace your Marketing Agency with AI

Ready for an exclusive session?

Let's supercharge your team. Book a discovery call with us today.

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Our Clients said it all

I enjoyed the workshop's hands-on approach, where we immediately engaged in prompt engineering with our laptops. It's a strategy I can envision implementing for my marketing team soon.

Charle Camus


I haven't really attended anything that walks me through the entire process from a marketing perspective, and this (10xme program) really helped me understand how we can utilize AI.

Emerolf Felix


What I liked about the workshop was that it was very hands-on. We had our laptops out and we were already doing the prompt engineering process. And I can see that we can already start rolling out for my marketing team in particular.

Jen Bilango


Ready to 10X Yourself?

This is the first step to get closer to your goals and win your time back. Let’s go.

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